About Us
DRP Enterprises, LLC > About Us

Daniel Patneaude
Owner, Civil Designer, and Project Manager
Mr. Patneaude has extensive experience in small firms, and public sector work.
Shoreline CC and University of WA, Seattle WA – BSCE
Work Experience: City of Desert Hot Springs, City of Indio, MSWD, State of MT, State of WA, Tetra Tech, DRP Enterprises LLC.
Project Highlights Private and Public:
$20,000,000 Assessment Sewer District design and implementation – Desert Hot Springs, CA
Domestic Well Design – Desert Hot Springs, Indio CA
50,000 sq. ft. city hall redesign and new community center, pool – Desert Hot Springs, CA
10,000 home subdivision for skyborne desert hot springs with community fire department
Domestic water reservoir 2.5 million gallons – Desert Hot Springs, CA
Pierson Blvd street and bridge design and widening 4.2 miles – Desert Hot Springs, CA
Riverside county channel line b two bunch palms – DHS, CA
Big Bear commerce commercial center – Big Bear Lake, CA
Banning Business Center Redesign – Banning, CA
Multiple grading projects residential and commercial throughout southern California.
San Pasqual Indian Tribe Duro Road tentative map design and mass grading – hillside lots – San Diego, CA.
Alta Vista Villas Subdivision and Tentative Map Design, San Diego, CA
Athens Commercial RV Storage Grading and Drainage, Placer County, CA
ICON Homes Subdivision and Tentative Map Design- Lancaster, CA
Joanne Singer
Civil Engineer, Registered Civil Engineer, CA
Ms. Singer has extensive experience in small firms, and public sector work.
B.S., Civil Engineering with Options in Structures, Traffic and Hydraulics, California State University, Los Angeles, California
Licensed CA Civil Engineer 26900, Exp 3-31-2021
EIT California
Work Experience: City of Palm Springs, City of Brea, City of Alhambra, City of West Covina, City of Beverly Hills, City of Indio, Coachella Valley Water District, Singer and Associates, ERSC, DRP Enterprises LLC.
Project Highlights Private and Public:
$20,000,000 storm drain bond issue project for the city of Beverly Hills
Azusa avenue widening, street reconstruction and median island design and construction for the city of West Covina.
Street, storm drain and sewer master plans for Alhambra and Claremont

1200 acre tentative map and subdivision, residential and commercial, riverside county including entitlements.
$100,000,000 Coachella Canal lining project including all meetings and environmental.
Two story office complex, design, entitlements and structural in the city of Banning.
900 acre tentative map and entitlements for storage facility in Cabazon.
Grading, surveying and design for the original Morongo Indian casino in Cabazon.
Emergency design build water line project for the city of Indio.
Monroe street widening two mile plus project for the city of Indio.
33,000+ parcel assessment district for the Big Bear Dam retrofit, including all public presentations.
PGA west and Mission Hills Mello Roos District.
Swimming pool and bath house for the city of Alhambra.
Reconstruction of 9 hole golf course, and construction of an additional 9 holes for the city of Alhambra
Major water reservoirs for the cities of Brea, Alhambra and Claremont.
ASCE, BIA Sothern CA

Chris Preciado
Architectural and Structural Designer
Assoc. AIA, CASI
University of California at Berkeley
Bachelor of Architecture
Architecture, Structural Engineering, City and Regional Planning
Stanford University/Studiengruppe Fur Systemforschung, University of Stuttgart
Architectural/Engineering/Construction Management/Information Systems
Collaborative – Advanced Problem Based Learning
SCI_Arc – Southern California Institute of Architecture
Master of Architecture
Thesis: Brownfield, Greenfield and Regenerative Design Methods
Universidad Ibero, Americana Tijuana, Mexico
Master of Urban Design and Urban Regional Planning Studio
Thesis: Land Invasions and the Territoriality of Space
California State Polytechnique University at Pomona
Master of Architecture II, Architecture Program
Thesis: Regenerative Design, Propinquity in Third World Environments
Mr. Preciado has extensive experience in both small and large firms throughout California.
Accessibility Surveys of commercial, retail, industrial buildings throughout California.
Multi Story Hotel Design throughout California
Starbucks Nationwide Modular Program
Nationwide Mobile and Modular Dining, Kitchen, Assembly spaces from repurposed semi trailers and shipping containers.
Car Dealership throughout California, Arizona, and Nevada.
Custom Residential and sub division tract housing units.
City of Fresno, Development and Resource Management, advanced and current planning.
As a city planner, efforts included CEQA analysis with presentation to city council and planning commission, chair of the District 1 Plan Implementation Committee, secretary of planning commission, Fulton Mall Revitalization, neighborhood community plan formulation, form based code generation, general plan and development code updates and planning studies for various specific plans and districts.
Strip Malls, Retail Commercial, Tenant Improvement, Vanilla Shell for various fast food restaurants, drive through car wash, and retail businesses.
Multi Family low income, senior housing, and market rate units throughout California.
City of Fresno, Department of Transportation:
Projects include; Courthouse Park Renovation, High Speed Rail multimodal studies, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Express Transit Light Starts, Public Transportation Infrastructure Study (PTIS), Transit Oriented Development, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and advanced modeling transportation management and planning. Efforts as a committee member include the following planning efforts: Priority Planning for a Healthy Built Environment, the ElDorado Neighborhood Plan, Urban Greening and Public Health, the Transit Oriented Development taskforce, the San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Roundtable, the 2035 General Plan Development technical advisory board, and numerous other committees and public outreach.
Environmental and community consultant for various California cities, townships, and agencies:
Southern California:
East Los Angeles (Boyle Heights), San Juan Capistrano, Pomona (Angela-Chanslor Project), several smaller cities in San Bernardino,
Central California:
Madera, Fairmead, Home Garden and inner neighborhoods of Pinedale, El Dorado-Sin City Nieghborhood Plan, and many areas in south east/south west Fresno. Efforts include park design (Habitat for Humanity), neighborhood revitalization strategies and methods for Urban Renewal and Environmental Sustainability by providing general consultation to communities with unmet needs.
American Institute of Architects, Associate A.I.A
Certified Access Specialist Institute, CASI
United States Green Building Council
Construction Specification Institute
Marta Diaz-Brosmer
Mrs. Diaz-Brosmer has over 25 years of office experience.
Graduated from the Colorado Institute of Art with a Major in Music Business.
Office: Working with top executives for Farmclub.com/Universal Music and Budde Songs.
Office experience including manager of a voice over studio, scheduling sessions with top rated talent, working for an International Music Publishing Company, Voice Over Sessions, Music Research and Commercials.
Technical side: Working with pro tools, sound board, ISDN sessions and studio cameras.
Highlights: Produced a single for the music group “Undecided” and sound design for a short film.
Camera person for Fidler’s Green Concert Venue, Denver, CO and other sporting events.