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Civil Engineering

DRP Enterprises, LLC > Civil Engineering

Proficient in general Civil Engineering:

Street Improvement Plans, Horizontal Alignments, Sewer, Storm Drain, Water, and Fire Utilities, Grading plans, Drainage plans, Reports such us: WQMP, SUSMP, SWPPP, Hydrology, Hydraulic reports, use of Hydrology Studio. 

Our Drawings are prepared in Auto-Cad, AutoCAD Civil 3D by or under the supervision of a licensed civil engineer, no shortcuts are made to get solid working drawings and avoid design issues.

Our drawings are easily converted to PDF and very efficiently exchange information with the team members: Designer, Architect, Soils Engineer, Structural Engineer, Client, and Contractors.

We consider time the most important aspect to our clients, for that we anticipate delays based in our experience in construction.


We respond to city comments in an expedient manner, and never delay in contacting clients immediately upon their request or to share information on their projects and progress of their projects.

Civil engineering in residential construction
 pipeline installation
Excavating the foundation
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